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Information about our stock availability, products and how to care for them.

Where can I find your size guide?

On each product page, you can find our size guide for both Women's and Men's measurements. Most of our products refer to the sizing worn by the model as well as details of how the garment should fit.

An item that I want is out of stock. How will I know if it is restocked?

We highly recommend signing up to be notified when your desired item will be re-stocked. You can do this by viewing the item you are interested in, selecting the size you require and clicking the 'Email when back in stock' tab. Simply enter your deta

I have received the wrong product. What should I do?

We are sorry to hear that you have received the wrong product. Please contact our Customer Care team via our contact form and we will try and get this fixed for you as quickly as possible. Don’t forget to attach a picture of the invoice that you rece